What should I expect at my first acupuncture visit ?
During your first visit, Dr. Cano will spend 40 minutes with you where he will gather information needed to recommend an individualize plan to address your illness. Afterwards, Dr. Cano will follow up with you in twice per week or once per week. Each follow-up appointment will take approximately 30 minutes.
Does Dr. Cano accept insurance?
Anthem BCBS, HSA, FSA, Husky plans A, C & D. If you don't see your insurance listed, then you are responsible to pay the fee for Dr. Cano's visits.
Does Dr. Cano do any kind of diagnostic testing?
No, Dr. Cano isn't able to order lab testing or send you for any diagnostic testing. Instead, Dr. Cano will spend at least 90 minutes with you to come up with specific wellness recommendations based on your individual presentation, signs and symptoms. Dr. Cano will help you to address your illness by using non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical and naturopathic therapies and get to the root cause of your illness.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
No. Most people enjoy treatment and find it very comfortable, restful, and relaxing. Sometimes the needle insertion feels like a quick pinch that rapidly subsides. Some people report a mild tingling, heaviness, warmth, or a dull ache at the acupuncture point, which is a sensation of Qi moving. Generally sessions last about an hour, in which the patient rests or naps. After treatment, you can expect to feel less pain, more energy, and a heightened sense of well-being.