AcupunctureIt is the practice of Oriental medicine using acupuncture, which is basically the process of inseting acupuncture needles into certain points of the body in order to promote health and weell-being. These needles are used to de-clog energy blockage from key accupoints found along the body in order to help the body's energy flow much more smoothly thus helping the body to regain its inner balance.
MoxibustionIt is a form of heat therapy in which a dried plant called mugwort is burned near the surface of the skin. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and increases the immune system.
Benefits: • Painful joints, sprains, strains • Strengthen the immune system • Gynecological/obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late-term pregnancy • Protects against flu and colds • Abdominal pain • Relieves Vomiting |
CuppingA type of Chinese medicine therapy where glass cups are placed on the skin to increase circulation in specific parts of the body that needs healing
Benefits: • Muscle and joint pain • Detoxification • Gastrointestinal disorders • Lung issues (asthma, cough, bronchitis, etc.) • Enhance muscle recovery |
Gua shaThis ancient healing technique stimulates blood flow to the skin by scraping the skin with short or long strokes using a smooth-edge instrument called gua-sha to increase circulation and promoting circulation.
Benefits • Reduces inflammation • Chronic pain • Fibromyalgia • Trigger points • Joint pain • PMS |
Dr. Julian Cano,N.D.,LAc
Phone: (203) 606-0224